Type 1 Tools for School Summer Picnic

July 21, 2019, Denver, CO
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

The Tools for School Summer picnic is an opportunity for parents and children to meet with school nurses and other experts to discuss strategies for going back to school with T1D. Whether you are newly diagnosed and this will be your first school year with T1D; you are transitioning between grade levels or schools; or you’re an experienced family interested in sharing tips and tricks, we look forward to seeing you at the Tools for School Picnic!

While parents are networking with one another, the kids will play games and build low kits for their classrooms!

More Info


Ruby Hill Park - Picnic Site 1

Hosted in collaboration with ADA, CDF and Colorado Kids with Diabetes

1200 West Florida Avenue
Denver, CO 80223

Event Contact

Kelli Raleigh
303-209-7719 | kraleigh@BreakthroughT1D.org

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