The T1D Dads Barber Shop Talk
April 11, 2025
12:00 pm (Pacific Time)
During and after the shock of being told your kid is diabetic, during and after the steep learning curve of medical needs and advocacy, during and after the attempt to find a new routine, it is always hard to find support as a dad / man of a T1D child. Most support groups will be composed of moms and it can be lonely being the only dad. How do you share your fears, your anguish, your vulnerability, your work stress amplified by being a caregiver on top of a career? The discussion will be open to any relevant topics to support each other. No judgment. No stupid question. No off-the-table topic. All we ask is to respect the others and to understand we are not all at the same level of comfort in sharing. And privacy matters. Let’s meet at the T1D Barber Shop and talk!
This event will repeat every 3 months on the 2nd Friday of the month.
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