Participate in Local T1D Research

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The Palm Research Center is currently enrolling participants in three different type 1 diabetes clinical trials. Participating in a clinical trial helps to drive scientific progress that will deliver new treatments and therapies to make day-to-day life with T1D easier, safer and healthier. It is part of the Breakthrough T1D mission of curing, preventing, and treating T1D and its complications.

Qualified participants may receive study related medical exams, laboratory tests, investigational medication, and compensation for time and travel for participation in a study. Anyone with questions about other opportunities to participate in diabetes research or how to enroll in Breakthrough T1D sponsored TrialNet research should contact the Palm Research Center at 702-826-2795

Study #1:

Newly Diagnosed Study
Click the image to download the flyer

The first study includes adults (ages 18-45) who have been diagnosed with diabetes in the past 12 weeks.

This is a very time sensitive study attempting to determine if a combination of two investigational drugs, in addition to the standard treatment, are able to preserve the function of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Anyone who qualifies for this trial, or knows someone who has been recently diagnosed who may qualify for this trial should contact Palm Research Center as soon as possible.

The full study description can be found on the website.

Study #2:

A second trial is investigating the safety and efficacy of faster acting insulin compared to Novolog in adults with type 1 diabetes.

More information about that study can be found on the website.

Study #3:

Toujeo Study
Click the image to download the flyer

The third clinical trial is sponsored by Sanofi Aventis and is comparing the efficacy and safety of Toujeo compared to Lantus in adults with type 1 diabetes. Participants will wear a continuous glucose monitor to evaluate glycemic control.

More information about this study can be found in the full study description on the website.