National Volunteer Appreciation Week

JDRF is dedicated to turning type one into type none, but we wouldn’t be able to do all that we do without the help of our VOLUNTEERS! Volunteers are the heart of our chapter, you give of your time and talent into supporting Breakthrough T1D and we want to show you how much we appreciate you!

The week of April 15-21 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week– keep your eyes peeled on social media to see how much we appreciate our volunteers! And, we would love to hear from you! Tell us about your favorite volunteer moment so we can showcase your story with our volunteer superstars every day that week. You can send your volunteer moment submissions to by April 13th.

With that being said, because we can’t do it without you, we need your help! The Breakthrough T1D One Walk and Breakthrough T1D Rock & Run are quickly approaching but DON’T FRET! There is still time to sign up to help us out on Walk and Run day! Check out the links below to sign up for your favorite volunteer spot at the Breakthrough T1D One Walk or Breakthrough T1D Rock & Run! We look forward to seeing you on April 28, 2018 and we appreciate all you do to help out JDRF!
