Important Update About the Arizona One Walk

Dear Friends of Breakthrough T1D,

Your health and well-being and that of your family and loved ones are Breakthrough T1D’s top priority. Our concerns are with everyone navigating their way through the COVID-19 health crisis, especially those impacted by type 1 diabetes (T1D). Therefore, in the best interest of our Breakthrough T1D community, we will not gather in person for the 2020 Breakthrough T1D Arizona One Walk on April 4th, but instead come together virtually for an inspiring and safe experience.

You are encouraged to share this news and innovative approach with everyone who knows how much you care about curing T1D while minimizing the daily burden until the cure is found.  We want everyone to join you! From now through our virtual Walk day on April 4th, record a video, snap some photo’s, share your successes, and upload them to your social media channels making sure to tag our Chapter page @JDRFAZ with the hashtags #JDRFOneWalk #Strongertogether. We will be recognizing you, our generous sponsors and all who support us throughout this journey as we continue our mission-critical fundraising work.

More updates will be coming via email, through social media, on our Chapter and One Walk websites as well as through other media channels. If you have questions, please contact Wendi Willock at 602-224-1829 or

We are so very grateful for your continued commitment, determination and hard work to make One Walk a success.  Even in the face of adversity, you remain laser-focused on Breakthrough T1D’s mission and that speaks volumes to your strength and character.

Thank you for all that you have done and all that you continue to do. Together we will create a world without type 1 diabetes!

Be safe,

Arizona Chapter Team