Arizona Promise Ball Reimagined: A “How to Watch” Guide

We know that this year’s Promise Ball is different than usual. We can promise you, though, that it’s going to be fun, and inspiring, just like it is every year! Here are some helpful tips on how to best prepare for and watch the event on November 14th!

Registration & Viewing

  • You must be registered in order to participate in the auction and Fund A Cure. Please register here:
  • The program begins at 5:30 pm MST, with the LIVE event kicking off at 6:00 pm MST
  • All bidding and donations will occur through the site for the event.
  • Once you are registered, you will find easy instructions and links on the left-hand side of the webpage, INCLUDING a link to watch the live show!
  • For the best viewing experience, we suggest using two devices: your mobile phone for bidding/donating and another device like your TV or computer to watch the live event

Fund a Cure

  • Our emcee will go through the Fund A Cure levels live during the program, BUT you can donate at any level at any time during the event.
  • If you are unable to log on to view the live event, you can still donate to Fund A Cure on the site,, (click “Donate to Fund A Cure” on the left-hand side) to raise money directly for T1D research through the event!

Silent and Live Auction

  • The silent auction will close after the program on Saturday, November 14th @ 8 pm MST
  • The live auction will be open for bidding all week and the auctioneer will begin the bidding live during the program at the most recent price and close each item live, one by one, as we always have done during in-person Promise Ball events.
  • Your “paddle” for the evening will be your phone or mobile device through the site.
    • Your phone will be what you use to bid AND donate during the event

Helpful links on our Promise Ball Reimagined website: