News week of February 13, 2012
in General
San Francisco Chronicle
Telcare Unveils New “MyTelcare Diabetes Pal” iPhone App
Telcare, Inc. unveiled its new MyTelcare Diabetes Pal today, now available for free on the Apple App Store. Telcare is offering people with diabetes and their caregivers the world’s first iPhone app that automatically synchronizes with a wireless glucose meter. “Telcare’s free App is designed to empower every patient by eliminating the hurdles that have made the analysis of glucose readings so time consuming,“ said Telcare CEO, Dr. Jonathan Javitt, MD. “We want to increase patients’ understanding of their diabetes and help them and their caregivers properly manage the disease.”
Fierce Health IT
Cellnovo launches mobile diabetes app connected to insulin pump
Cellnovo, based in London, has launched what the company calls the world’s first mobile-connected diabetes management system. Designed for use by patients with type 1 diabetes, the system includes a glucometer, a wirelessly connected insulin pump, an activity monitor, and a cell phone-based data transfer system. The company, which received European Mark CE approval for its system in September, plans a “usability trial” involving about 100 patients. The study will be conducted in 10 diabetes centers across the U.K.
A Sweet Life (Blog)
Convenient Blood Sugar Testing: The Mendor All-In-One Glucose Meter
…Glucose meters have become smaller, slicker, and cooler, but the components of test kits have remained essentially the same, with three parts – the meter itself, the test strip container, and the lancing device. So it seems as if the companies developing new glucose meters haven’t really been focusing on the convenience aspect of testing blood sugar, which is really a priority for patients. And then Mendor came along. Mendor, a Finnish company committed to the design, development and marketing of advanced diabetes management products, has developed an all- in-one glucose meter, the Mendor Discreet. What does all-in-one mean? It means that the meter, the lancing device, and a cartridge of 25 test strips are all part of one little box, approximately the size of an iphone…