At Woodward Academy, families “band” together to impact T1D
in Fundraising

Our Breakthrough T1D One Walk school teams create a sense of community for families, and Woodward Academy has stepped up in a major way to create a strong, supportive community for our Type One families. The Woodward Academy Team is made up of several students and their families including Sam Kukler, Rush Forquer, Jonathan Fitch, Claire Hailey, Priya & Cole Storey, Nikhil Palakshappa, Leben Alemu, and Charlie & Caroline Chase whose teams combined have raised over $30,000.
Leading this tremendous effort is The Klumok Family with their Walk team Bobby’s Band. Lisa and Todd Klumok formed this team in support of their son, Bobby, and 2017 marked their 10th year walking. This year, Bobby’s Band raised almost $50,000 bringing their overall Walk fundraising total to $450,000!!
According to Woodward Academy Team member, Kim Kukler, Lisa Klumok’s enthusiasm is what drives them all. Says Kim, “In the months leading up to the Walk, Lisa kept the team on track in promoting Breakthrough T1D’s message through video announcements, school newsletter articles, T1D educational events, local restaurant fundraisers, campus signage and t-shirt sales. Her knack for fundraising and positive weekly emails with fundraising totals encouraged the team and kept everyone motivated. Leading up to the Walk, Lisa’s smiling face was seen almost daily on campus as she worked to engage teachers, principals and students in a powerful message of hope and determination. She lives and breathes her mission to turn Type One into Type NONE!”
Currently the Woodward Academy Team has raised nearly $90,000 and is in the running for top school in the Nation! We cannot thank the Woodward Academy families and administration enough for partnering with Breakthrough T1D. Many thanks to this incredible team for setting the bar high!
To all our Breakthrough T1D One Walk families: thank you for being a part of the Breakthrough T1D family on event day and every day. Your passion and commitment inspire us. We are getting closer to our goal of $1.3M by the minute! Remember you can continue to raise funds through December 1st to qualify for the Crystal Award (formerly known as the Golden Sneaker) and other incentives! Share your Walk day experience through social media to keep the momentum going and maximize your impact!
We want to see your pictures from Walk day! Be sure to post your photos and stories on your social media pages and tag us, too! #JDRFOneWalk
If you haven’t already, ask your donors about matching gifts. Matching gifts are the easiest and fastest way to reach or exceed your fundraising goal and double your donations!
We believe in you and we believe in Breakthrough T1D’s mission to turn Type One into Type None. Thank you for your incredible support and commitment.