Walk Talk


Did you know you can donate & fundraise for our One Walks all the way up to the end of our fiscal year on June 30, 2017? Well, you can, so don’t stop now – let’s keep the momentum going! Here are a few ideas:

  • Double your Gift: Check with your donors to see if their employers have a matching program. It is a fast and easy way to double the power of your generosity and help us turn Type One into Type None.  Thousands of companies sponsor matching gifts programs for their employees.  Please submit all matching gift requests to the Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA Chapter, and contact the Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA Chapter with any inquiries.
  • Get your Company Involved: Ask your company to support Breakthrough T1D by hosting a one-month Breakthrough T1D One Walk Corporate Challenge. For example, each Friday during the month of January your company would ask their employees to donate $5 or more to participate in the Breakthrough T1D One Walk Corporate Challenge!  A few examples of what the Friday challenges could include are: 

Jeans Day (wear jeans with a blue shirt in support of Breakthrough T1D!)

Jersey or Team Spirit Day (wear your favorite team’s jersey, t-shirt or hat)

Donate Your Coffee Day (bypass Starbucks and donate to Breakthrough T1D instead!)

Create Your Own Challenge Day! (wear P.J.’s, a hat, etc.)

Proceeds can be allocated towards your walk team.  Reach out to Lindsay Fortese more information.

  • Sneaker Sale Campaign: The Breakthrough T1D Sneaker Sale Campaign is a great way to engage the community, raise funds and build awareness! This is an easy ask…think of places you frequent and ask them to support a Breakthrough T1D Sneaker Sale Campaign!!! The Breakthrough T1D sneaker sale campaign is a turnkey, retail-driven promotion. Paper sneakers are sold for $1 or more each. The best part is that hosting a sneaker sale campaign will cost the business/company nothing!  Breakthrough T1D Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter will provide all of the materials, including a Sneaker Sale Campaign Overview document, and support needed to get them started. Contact Lindsay Fortese for more information.
  • Host an Event to Raise Funds: Organize a special event and reach out to Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA to let us know that you want the funds to go towards your walk team.