Ride to Cure Diabetes | Coach’s Corner

Coaches Corner imageBreakthrough T1D Ride to Cure South Jersey Chapter Coach’s Corner

Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure is a fantastic way to get into great shape while raising money for an amazing cause. Our 2017 South Jersey Ride to Cure team currently consists of 35 registered riders. Among those riders, the South Jersey team will have representatives at each of the 5 Ride to Cure locations: LaCrosse Wisconsin, Loveland Colorado, Saratoga Springs NY, Amelia Island Florida and Tucson Arizona. Last year, the 1,600 riders who participated in Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure raised more than $8 MILLION dollars for Breakthrough T1D to advance its mission of creating a world without T1D, and we want you to be a part of that in 2017.

Regardless of your cycling ability and experience, your participation in Ride to Cure will be a life-changing experienced. If you’re a seasoned cyclist, you will have no problem completing any of the 5 amazing courses. If you’ve never ridden before, you will be provided with the help, assistance, and assurances needed to succeed in meeting your goal, whether it’s 20 or 100 miles!! As a USA Cycling certified coach, I can help design a training plan that’s right for you, and will pedal alongside of you as you prepare. I love shopping for bikes, so if you need to do that, I’m happy to come along and offer any advice that I can.

Once you’re signed-up, you won’t regret it for a moment. Our group includes an amazing bunch of riders. We ride together multiple times each month…sometimes multiple times each week…throughout the outdoor riding season. All we ask is that you bring a great attitude, a smile (we call it #BikeFace), and a little pleasant conversation as we pedal through the pinelands, cranberry bogs, and farms of the South Jersey countryside.

Stay tuned for more updates from me about our amazing team over the next few months. In the meantime, there’s still plenty of room at the rides…you can register today!! Please feel free to reach out to me at scott@hopeon2wheels.com or 609-352-3848 if I can answer any questions and help convince you to come along for the ride!!