A Volunteer’s Legacy | Remembering Butch Block

Charles “Butch” Block
(December 11, 1956 – March 17, 2017)
Butch (left), pictured with his brother Mike Block, and SJ Chapter Executive Director, Nanette Gerst
Sadly we lost one of our favorite volunteers this year. We should all strive to Be Like Butch! He was always one of the first people to arrive on Walk day, and one of the last to leave. If you needed someone to climb up a ladder and hang a sign, there was Butch. If you needed someone to carry tables up the stairs, there was Butch. And when you needed help removing the trash at the end of the Walk (and there was always a lot of trash), there was Butch. During this past October, we moved our Walk to Camden County College, Butch knew just about every police officer who was on duty at the site, and made sure we were able to move around the various locations to set up and clean up afterwards. Butch also volunteered to clean up, and load the truck after every Gala – doing so in his formal attire was never a problem for him. He would then show up at the offices of our Chapter, to unload the truck the next morning. We should all keep his memory alive and Be Like Butch!