Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars…Breakthrough T1D night at the Philadelphia Phillies is taking place on August 23rd, 2017 at 7:05pm. The Phillies will be taking on the Miami Marlins. Tickets on sale now: phillies.com/JDRF. A portion of all ticket sales will benefit Breakthrough T1D.
Pamper Yourself & Support Breakthrough T1D in August!
It’s time to take everyone to get their Back to School haircut! Thanks to Floyd’s 99 Barbershop, you can get $35 worth of haircut services for just a $5 donation to Breakthrough T1D! From August 1-31, pick up your $5 value book in stores, with all proceeds going toward Breakthrough T1D. Find your local Floyd’s 99 store here.
Breakthrough T1D ONE WALK – Fall, 2017
As we head into our Breakthrough T1D One Walk fall season, the Breakthrough T1D Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter is offering exciting opportunities for companies wishing to join our mission to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, treat and prevent type 1 diabetes (T1D) and its complications. Partnerships create positive community visibility, demonstrate market presence, and are opportunities to network with clients and employees. Our corporate partners take raising funds and awareness for T1D research to new heights, helping us turn Type One into Type None.
Our 2017 One Walk Locations include:
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Allentown – September 17, 2017
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Bucks County – October 1, 2017
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Reading – October 15, 2017
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Philadelphia – October 22, 2017
Please reach out to Lindsay Fortese, Associate Executive Director, for more information and to learn how your company can partner with Breakthrough T1D to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by T1D.