Walk Team Spotlight- Allentown and Reading

We would like to shine a bright spotlight on One Walk Allentown and One Walk Reading teams The A-Team and Maggie’s Militia, respectively. Let’s take a moment to learn more about their stories from The A-Team Team Captain Amy Swercheck, and Maggie’s Militia Team Captain Maggie Morgan. Register your team for One Walk Allentown or One Walk Reading now!

Spotlight on One Walk Allentown Team ­­­­­­­­­­­The A-Team!

Who are you walking for? 

We’re walking for our three-year old son, Aaron, and our other family and friends managing with T1D.  Aaron is the main reason we became involved in Breakthrough T1D.


Why did you pick your team’s name? 

My name and my husband’s name begin with the letter A.  When our first son was born, we kept that pattern going.  We did it again with Aaron.  So we’re all “A” names – Amy, Adam, Andrew, and Aaron.

How long have you had your team? 

Aaron was diagnosed in March 2016, so the September 2016 One Walk at Dorney Park was our first Breakthrough T1D event.

What is your favorite memory of your first walk?

The boys loved walking through the dinosaurs at Dorney Park and spending the day there after the walk.  Being that it was our first walk and only six months after Aaron’s diagnosis, I remember seeing all the other people managing with T1D, especially young children, and realizing that we were not alone.

What are some of your Walk Day traditions? 

Being that last year was our first year, we have yet to establish any Walk Day traditions.  Last year, our team was pretty small so we’ve tried to focus this year on growing the size of our team.  Our hope is that we can grow the team and then we’ll see about starting traditions with the larger group.




Spotlight on One Walk Reading Team Maggie’s Militia!


Who are you walking for?

I am walking for myself and my family and for all those affected by Type 1 Diabetes.

Why did you pick your team’s name?

We spent some time deciding on our name. It made sense to use my name, and an alliteration would obviously be neat and recognizable. Maggie’s Militia was chosen because it signifies the strength of those within the Type 1 community.


How long have you had your team?

I was diagnosed in the summer of 2007, and we became involved with Breakthrough T1D shortly after that. Our first walk at Gring’s Mill was in October of 2008. Maggie’s Militia has been a staple in my life for 9 amazing years.

What is your favorite memory from your first walk?

My first walk happened a long time ago so I do not have any specific memories, but I can tell you that I was almost overwhelmed by the sense of community that I felt at the event. There are so many people gathered for a singular important person, and that creates an atmosphere that cannot be reproduced anywhere else. I will never forget how happy I was surrounded by friends and family who had done so much to support me and something that I felt so strongly about.

What are some of your Walk Day traditions?

The walk is an all-day affair. I was in middle school when we first began participating, which means that my friends and I were too young to drive. It was a lot easier for their parents if we had them sleep at my house the night before the event. This sleepover remained a sort of unspoken tradition even into my late high school years when many of us had more convenient options for transportation. Another walk-day tradition occurs after the walk is over and the events at Gring’s Mill wrap up for the day. Those of us walking with Maggie’s Militia get into our various cars and head to Union Jack’s, a restaurant and bar located near my home in Oley, PA. The owners have been gracious enough to donate food and space each year for us to enjoy after a long day. This gives us a chance to spend more time together and to reflect on the events of the past day and the past year. The entire day consists of a plethora of rewarding experiences, and it will forever remain one of my favorite days of every year.