What a Difference a Year Makes

Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA would like to recognize the amazing leaps our chapter has made this past year in our recruitment of office volunteers. Since November 2016, we have had the honor of getting to know and partner with over 15 new volunteers. These awesome individuals come to our King of Prussia office on a weekly basis giving their time, energy and positive attitudes.

Whether it’s making calls, stuffing envelopes, addressing mailings or blowing up 500 beach balls these volunteers are always happy to assist. We have over 26 hours a week of work covered by our office volunteers and that’s not including the work they take home with them. There have been countless times that they have supported us with less than a day’s notice.

With November being National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM), we think there is no better time to say thank you – we appreciate all you do to support Breakthrough T1D’s mission!

If you have interest in volunteering for Breakthrough T1D, please email us at philadelphia@BreakthroughT1D.org.