Local Breakthrough T1D Family Spotlight: The Guiseppe Family
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and Breakthrough T1D is raising awareness all month long. We will be highlighting type 1 diabetes (T1D) stories throughout the month.
Our next spotlight is on the Guiseppe family whose team, Team JD, is a top fundraising team for Breakthrough T1D One Walk Reading.
Read more below to find out what Breakthrough T1D means to their family as told by parents John and Natalie Guiseppe.
What is your T1D connection?
Our connection with T1D is our son, JD. He is a sweet, caring child who loves his family, little sister, trains, butterflies, and flowers.
Tell us about your loved one living with T1D.
JD was diagnosed on January, 2, 2017 at age six. This was the day our whole life changed forever. JD spent four days at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). This is when we realized how serious this disease is. Living with T1D every day, JD has become stronger as a result. He has adapted and realized that managing his insulin and food intake is a way of life.
How has Breakthrough T1D’s support made a difference for you and your family?
Breakthrough T1D has been a great resource for us connecting us with other families dealing with T1D.
Why did you decide to get involved with Breakthrough T1D (One Walk, Kids Walk, Gala, Ride to Cure Diabetes, and/or any other Breakthrough T1D activity)?
We joined Breakthrough T1D One Walk Reading and put a team together to walk. We had family members and friends come together to raise money for our walk. This experience was amazing as we had so many people donate money to Breakthrough T1D. The walk was emotional as we connected with so many different people that are affected by T1D giving us hope and strength to tackle this horrible disease.
What would you tell another newly diagnosed family about Breakthrough T1D?
I would tell a newly diagnosed family that Breakthrough T1D is a great organization to be a part of as they are there to help educate people on this disease, raise awareness, and help find a cure. It was great to connect and talk to others to hear the way they manage it day to day.
What are your plans to continue fundraising post-event?
We are organizing a Jeans Day at our school where we both work.
Join the Guiseppe family in supporting your local Breakthrough T1D One Walk! There is still time to support your local Walk by making a personal donation or reaching out to your network to share your T1D story and how their donations will help us turn Type One into Type None!