Breakthrough T1D One Walk Spotlight: Meet Calin Monaghan of Calin’s Sparkling Crew


Welcome to the 2018 Breakthrough T1D One Walk Team Spotlights, a series dedicated to celebrating the most important part of Breakthrough T1D One Walk – YOU! Registration for One Walk Bucks County is now open, and fundraising is well underway. All the hard work culminates in a day of fun at Warminster Community Park on September 30!


Calin Monaghan and her family embarked on their type 1 diabetes (T1D) journey less than three months ago. Mere days after her diagnosis, then seven-year-old Calin told her parents that she wanted to do something to help find a cure for this disease—and not only to find a cure for her but also a way to prevent others from ever having T1D.

Fun and fabulous, Calin calls her One Walk Bucks County team Calin’s Sparkling Crew! Read below to find out what Breakthrough T1D means to the Monaghan family, as told by Calin’s mother, Monica.

What is your T1D connection? Tell us about your loved one living with T1D.

On February 7, 2018, our daughter, Calin, was diagnosed with T1D. Calin was seven years old when diagnosed and just recently turned eight in the beginning of April. She is in second grade, and in her free time she enjoys doing gymnastics, riding her bike, baking, reading graphic novels, putting together new outfits, shopping, and getting her nails and toes done at the salon.

Why did you decide to get involved with Breakthrough T1D and the Bucks County Walk?

My husband and I wanted to get involved with Breakthrough T1D to find support from others who have been on this journey longer than we have—and to join in the fight to conquer this disease. Within days of being diagnosed—and after learning what Breakthrough T1D does—Calin told us she wanted to do something to help raise money to find a cure for this horrible disease. After researching and asking around, we learned of One Walk Bucks County. Calin immediately asked to sign up and create a team. Within a few hours, she had already reached her goal of $150 and immediately upped her personal and team goals.

Calin’s hope is that there will be more advanced [T1D] technology—or even a cure for those that haven’t been diagnosed yet.


Every time we had a frustrating day or just felt the need to vent about this horrible disease, someone reached out to us, and it was very much appreciated.

How do you plan to fundraise for the Bucks County Walk?

So far, we have used social media as our main fundraising strategy. Calin has shared her story and her hope for supporting Breakthrough T1D. She has shared how—because of Breakthrough T1D and the research the organization has been able to support with the help of fundraisers like One Walk—she only needs to prick her finger two times per day (thanks to her continuous glucose monitor). She is also planning a yard/bake sale to help increase her team’s fundraising.

How has Breakthrough T1D’s support made a difference for you and your family?

The support of Breakthrough T1D has been instrumental for us from day one. Within days of being home, Calin received her Bag of Hope with many items that assisted her and our family with adjusting to this new journey. The literature helped Calin and our younger daughter better understand what T1D is and how to explain to others what Calin is going through.

For me and my husband, Breakthrough T1D was our anchor and major support thanks to the calls from volunteers and other families that Breakthrough T1D put us in touch with—families that have been on this journey longer than we have. This has also allowed us to vent our frustrations and celebrate our achievements with others who understand and have had similar experiences.

What would you tell someone with T1D or a newly diagnosed family about Breakthrough T1D?

Being a newly diagnosed family, I can’t stress enough how beneficial Breakthrough T1D has been to get us through especially the first several weeks. Every time we had a frustrating day or just felt the need to vent about this horrible disease, someone reached out to us, and it was very much appreciated. Having resources through Breakthrough T1D has helped us to educate friends and family to know what Calin and others diagnosed with T1D are dealing with on a daily basis.

Also, being able to be a part of events like One Walk allow us to raise awareness and educate others on T1D, as well as to raise funds to continue to provide better technology and tools for those with T1D—and hopefully, someday, to find a cure.


Have you registered for One Walk Bucks County yet? Visit to start or join a team! For more information about the Breakthrough T1D One Walk program, or to find a Walk location near you, please visit

Are you newly diagnosed or the parent of a newly diagnosed child? You do not need to feel alone in your journey—request an Outreach Volunteer! In addition to providing an empathetic ear, your volunteer can also help introduce you to your local T1D community at Breakthrough T1D events.