A special opportunity to donate to Fund A Cure

Dennis and I look forward to seeing everyone at the Gala on April 13, 2019. We have volunteered to be the co-chairs for this year’s Fund A Cure (FAC) because we understand how important it is to our goal of funding research to lessen complications and find the cure for T1D’s. The Gala is our favorite event and we are committed to make 2019’s Gala the most successful yet. We know the hard work of our Honoree, Gala committee, and staff is going to pay off on the highest level the night of the Gala.  We look forward to the day when TYPE 1 becomes TYPE NONE.

As a member of the executive board and supporter of Breakthrough T1D, we know how important research is and how important Fund A Cure at the Gala is to the overall campaign to cure Type 1. As of today, we have set a Fund A Cure goal of $155,000. Dennis and I will be increasing our personal giving to the $5,000 level this year.  We would like for our chapter, to see a commitment of $100,000 before April 13th.  As a board member, I am asking you to dig a little deeper in making your donation, so that we can achieve our goal of $155,000.  Dennis  and I are asking you from the bottom of our hearts, to let us know what your commitment to the Fund A Cure campaign will be ASAP.  If you provide your commitment to us, you should still remember to raise your paddle during FAC, both to increase the energy in the room and to ensure that it is recorded.  (Feel free to surprise us further by raising your bid at the Gala if you are so inspired that evening.)

If you cannot make the Gala you can still participate and contribute to the energy and success of the night. For your convenience, here is the link for FAC: https://jdrf-southjersey.ejoinme.org/gala2019.

Your donation to the Gala FAC is 100% tax deductible. If you aren’t there we will raise a paddle for you.  You won’t be charged twice, as Breakthrough T1D staff will have a list of those who have already paid for their FAC pledge.

As someone who has lived through T1D, Dennis and I through both our children, Eric and Amy, you know that we are committed to Breakthrough T1D.  Dennis and I know the difficulties that are faced each and every day by families impacted by T1D.  We want a cure for all those who have been or will be diagnosed with Type 1.  We don’t want our kids or yours to face life with a child stricken by this disease.  It is important to us to make a world without TYPE 1 happen sooner rather than later and research is so vital to meet that goal.  We ask you to consider your commitment, ask parents and friends to help you get to the level you can afford and join in the celebration of a Gala that is going to be wonderful, full of fun, and full of hope.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and consider making your pledge,

Sue and Dennis Walsingham
South Jersey Chapter Nominating & Board Development Chair
Parents of Eric age 32 – diagnosed at age 3 & Amy age 35 – diagnosed at age 10.