Get answers to your toughest T1D questions at the 2019 TON Summit
Have you heard of Eversense, the new implantable continuous glucose monitoring system developed by Senseonics? Have you had the opportunity to see it, touch it, and ask a knowledgeable representative questions? Here’s your chance, at the Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA Chapter’s 2019 TypeOneNation (TON) Summit on February 23! This year’s TON event takes place from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Chubb Hotel & Conference Center in Lafayette Hill, PA.
What is TON Summit?
TON Summit is designed to provide information for people of all ages and stages of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their loved ones. Enjoy a full day of inspirational and educational activities lead by national and local experts to help you and your loved ones better manage life with T1D. Participate in discussion groups, share your story, and help motivate and support others who walk in similar shoes. T1D carries with it a huge emotional toll, but doctors are not always akin to the psychosocial ties that come with T1D.
Which breakout sessions are right for me?
You can connect with others affected by T1D and visit our vendor fair—featuring several diabetes device companies, an insulin manufacturer, and resources such as Rare Patient Voice and TrialNet (offering on-site screening for autoantibodies)—or chat with Gary Scheiner, renowned author of Think Like a Pancreas and Diabetes—How to Help. Matter of fact, you’ll have the chance to do it all!
You know you can count on Breakthrough T1D to send Rufus, the Bear with Diabetes® to a newly diagnosed child, but did you know we offer a downloadable T1D pregnancy toolkit? At TON Summit, women with T1D considering pregnancy can attend a breakout session to hear “Pragmatic Tips for a T1D Pregnancy” from Dr. Marc Vengrove (Lehigh Valley Health System) and be able to listen and speak with Pamela MacElree, a mom diagnosed with T1D at the age of nine who has been through it all and graciously agreed to share her experience.
You can choose to attend a breakout session with Emily Meyers—a nurse, diabetes educator (St. Luke’s), and mother of three (middle child with T1D)—who will discuss the effects of T1D on siblings, and/or learn from Megan Robinson (CDE at CHOP) about nutrition for the tween and teen athlete. Come and meet your chapter staff and learn about our 2019 events, like the One Promise Gala, Ride to Cure Diabetes destination cycling events, and 2019 One Walk events. We’d love to introduce you to the comprehensive resources Breakthrough T1D can offer you and your family!
What are some of the perks of attending TON Summit?
Included in a ticket to this amazing event is a continental breakfast, lunch with gluten-free and vegetarian options, and an all-day low (blood-sugar!) bar (with carb counts!). You’ll have the pleasure of meeting other attendees with whom you share common ground. Exchange ideas, make some new friends, and meet the parents of the new friends your child will make at the TON Summit—the little ones they’ll meet in “KIDZ KAMP” and the older kids they’ll bond with at the teen breakout sessions, like “Off to College with T1D” and “T1D after Dark: NC-13” (day-of permission slip required!).
Don’t forget—when you wear any Breakthrough T1D swag to the Summit, you’ll receive a free t-shirt! And have your little one bring his or her Rufus; it will make for a great photo op!
Breakthrough T1D empowers all those impacted by T1D through community involvement. Families and individuals connect through education, advocacy and events that raise funds for T1D research. Those who attend Breakthrough T1D events get more than a sense of community—they get to build a community!
Stay tuned!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @JDFEasternPA for more teasers and tidbits—but register for the 2019 Summit NOW, as space is extremely limited.
Fees for TON: All attendee tickets are $10, which includes breakout sessions (or admission to KIDZ KAMP), keynote speaker, vendors, continental breakfast, lunch, and low bar. Groups of four or more can register together and pay only $40.
Note: You can use any name you like when asked for a group name on the registration page. Just be sure to register each person separately using the same group name.
***All conference participants under 18 years of age must have a parent or adult guardian registered for the conference and with them in the building during the entire event (i.e. teens and children may not be dropped off while parents go elsewhere). This is for health and liability reasons, and there will be no exceptions. ***