Walking Together for T1D
in Fundraising

With COVID-19 continuing to spread across the United States, the Breakthrough T1D Greater Delaware Valley Chapter One Walk program will not be occurring in the traditional in-person format this Fall. We’re taking One Walk into the virtual realm!
Instead, we are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a virtual celebration on Sunday, November 1, the first day of National Diabetes Awareness Month! We believe this decision is in the best interest of our Breakthrough T1D community while doing our part to slow the spread of this outbreak. This year, we will create a greater sense of connection among members of our community and expand Breakthrough T1D’s footprint well beyond our traditional borders. There will be new and exciting opportunities to activate and engage with your family and friends during the weeks ahead and on Walk Day.
So many things have changed this year, but one thing that hasn’t is the passion of the Breakthrough T1D community and our fight to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). And while we may not be able to come together in person, a reimagined Walk will NOT change that unity and commitment to finding a cure. We are a community familiar with challenges. We need to show that we are #strongertogether to keep Breakthrough T1D research efforts thriving – at a time when it’s more important than ever.
Whether you’re new to One Walk looking to connect with the local and national T1D community at virtual kickoffs and clinics, or a seasoned team who’s ready rejoin the fight for a cure and take advantage of new resources, incentives and fundraising challenges… mark your calendar for the celebration of the year and register online at walk.jdrf.org, or click your site below!