Breakthrough T1D Releases Bold Vision for the Future

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Breakthrough T1D has a bold vision for the future: to accelerate mission and become more  volunteer powered than ever before. The vision, available here, outlines Breakthrough T1D’s strategies to drive greater impact to unlock cures and drive research that improves the lives of people with type one diabetes (T1D) today.

This year, in the midst great mission progress came a global pandemic, which upended our fundraising model. We’re now fast-tracking new strategies to maintain our mission momentum. The strategies focus on three areas: mission, funding and community engagement. 


Understanding the key strategies:


We’ve realigned our research portfolio and will prioritize opportunities with the greatest potential to lead us to cures and life changing advances in the shortest amount of time.


We will continue our critical core community-based fundraising events, reimagined in a new operational model, while seeking to grow multi-year philanthropic giving.

Community Engagement:

We know that volunteers are the engine driving our success. We will become even more volunteer powered as Breakthrough T1D enables volunteers to have greater impact on mission than ever before.

Locally, there will be no changes to the current geography of our Greater Delaware Valley Chapter footprint, and we will continue to serve the T1D community in Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey.

The volunteer-staff team leading our chapter forward in support of Breakthrough T1D’s strategies in Mission, Funding and Community Engagement will include:


Greater Delaware Valley Chapter Board of Directors

The Greater Delaware Valley Chapter Board of Directors will focus its work on chapter-wide opportunities in fundraising, account management, pursuit of growth opportunities, and strategic support of chapter and organizational opportunities.

Fiscal Year 2021 Membership:

Frank Battino                                                        Ross Laufgraben

Shara Bialo                                                            Paul Loomis

Mike Block                                                            Gerry Miceli

Liam Brickley                                                        Bonnie O’Neil

Ari Chompre                                                         Dana Purvis

Matthew Cohn                                                     Travis Rhodes

Alex Costabile                                                       Joannie Rich

Tom Deeney                                                          Brian Robinson

Ann DelCollo                                                         Chris Shilling

George Greatrex                                                   Richard Tremonte

Roger Jones                                                           Brandon Witt

Cindy Kramer


Community Mission Boards

Community Mission Boards are being established in each of our three markets (Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey) to support Breakthrough T1D fundraising priorities in those communities, engaging those communities with the Breakthrough T1D mission, and networking in the community.


Greater Delaware Valley Chapter Staff Partners

Leading and supporting our volunteer partners, ensuring fundraising and advocacy goals are achieved, managing the resources of the organization, stewarding Breakthrough T1D relationships, and ensuring adherence to the Breakthrough T1D Code of Ethics will be the professional staff of our Greater Delaware Valley Chapter and includes:

Patrick Delaney, Executive Director

Lindsay Fortese, Associate Executive Director

Nanette Forte-Gerst, Market Director

Melissa DeFreece, Development Director

Allison Tropea, Senior Development Manager

Sara Smith, Development Manager

Julie McKeever, Outreach Manager

Mikaila Ryan, Senior Development Coordinator

Megan Dougherty, Development Coordinator


Thank you all for your tireless support and generosity over these past challenging months!  We need each and every Breakthrough T1D supporter to help us maintain mission momentum in the days ahead!

For a full outline of the new Breakthrough T1D vision please visit