TypeOneNation Summit Now Available On Demand!
in General

Last month, we hosted our first-ever TypeOneNation Virtual Summit featuring keynote presentations by leading T1D experts and celebrity partners, breakout sessions curated for parents, caregivers, adults, seniors and young adults, and downloadable educational resources. Don’t worry if you missed the summit – we’ve got you covered!
All sessions were recorded and available to view on demand when it’s most convenient for you. The TypeOneNation Virtual Summit will remain open through the end of the year, so visit as often as you’d like to catch up on sessions you missed, re-watch your favorites and download informational content at the virtual booths in the Exhibit Hall and Breakthrough T1D Community Room. Simply visit the event page, enter your email under Already Registered or Click Here to Register (if this is your first time visiting the summit), and you’ll go right to the TypeOneNation Virtual Summit event experience.