in Fundraising

For the first time in Breakthrough T1D history, our chapter and Nation came together to make T1D history this weekend! To all our families, corporate partners, schools, vendors, and volunteers who participated in one of our chapter’s six fall One Walk events, we are so proud of your fundraising efforts throughout this unique year. You have truly showed us that because T1D won’t quit, and neither will you.
So far, we’ve raised nearly $950,000. More than ever, we need your help to achieve our chapter’s goal of $1,369,000. Those living with T1D manage complications daily, and the fight isn’t over until there is a cure.
So don’t stop now! There is still time to help fund important T1D research by asking your friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family to make one more donation to your One Walk team and double their gifts through their company’s matching gift campaign. What better way to ask for continued support than during National Diabetes Awareness Month?
Plus, the best thing about a virtual walk is that your efforts and the celebration can take place all month long. The Finish Line Festival will be live until November 24, and prize codes will be issued in six weeks.
Click here if you were not able to join us at one of our six fall One Walk events (Philadelphia, Bucks County, Gloucester Township, Wilmington, Lehigh Valley and Southern Delaware) but still want to show your support!
Questions regarding One Walk? Reach out to Sara Smith at 215-375-1724 or
These Breakthrough T1D One Walk corporate partners are making a difference
Thank you to the Breakthrough T1D Greater Delaware Valley Chapter’s 2020 Fall One Walk Sponsors who partnered with Breakthrough T1D for our National One Walk campaign! We are so appreciative of all of our Walk corporate partners who are helping to make living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) safer and healthier, until there is a cure.
And special thanks to Wawa for their 22 years of support!
Many companies determine their 2021 charitable giving budgets within the next 60 days. Please let us know if we should talk to your employer about getting involved with Breakthrough T1D in 2021. There is a diverse array of opportunities that can fit the needs of many organizations, and we will work with your employer to determine the right type of involvement that best meets the organization’s philosophy!
Questions regarding corporate engagement? Reach out to Lindsay Fortese at