Walk With Us Into 2021


Every year, no matter the circumstances, we have taken to the streets for Breakthrough T1D One Walk. Together, we walk for a cure for type 1 diabetes, for those who live with T1D and their families.

This spring, we will once again pound the pavement to change the future for everyone living with this disease.

Join us virtually on Sunday, May 23 for One Walk Wildwood & One Walk Northeast PA!Photo: Team “I’m Jimmy..Stronger Than Diabetes” joining in virtually last year on the Wildwood boardwalk!


No matter where you live – from Wildwood to Scranton (or anywhere in the world!) this is the perfect opportunity to celebrate what makes One Walk so special…


Breakthrough T1D One Walk is the largest T1D event in the world, raising more than $1 billion for T1D research. And this year, we are coming together as one community from across the nation to reach some big goals—collectively walk 1.6 million miles in honor of the 1.6 million people living with T1D.


On May 23, we will celebrate the accomplishments at the Finish Line Festival! Despite not physically being with each other, we guarantee an exciting and unique opportunity for our community to still come together and recognize our T1D warriors, as well as walkers for their fundraising and Miles Toward Mission accomplishments.

More details to come!