Spring TypeOneNation Virtual Summit


TypeOneNation Virtual Summit is coming back on April 24th! You can expect a jam-packed day of empowering diabetes education and virtual exhibits showcasing the latest in diabetes technology and management. The Summit will cover a range of topics for all stages of life with T1D and feature inspirational guest speakers that you will not want to miss. Spend the day with us and connect with members of the T1D community from all over the world. There is no cost for this event and there are no limits to what you can learn at this year’s TypeOneNation Summit!



COVID, T1D and Mental Health:  It has been a full year since the Covid-19 pandemic began, and we want to ensure you have continued access to all available support resources. In partnership with the Anthem Foundation, we have created resources to address mental health burdens while living with T1D during a pandemic that can be helpful.  For a full list of resources visit the Mental Health Section on Coronavirus page.

Join us for our Virtual Meet Up Opportunities:

  • Newly Diagnosed T1D Parents – April 15th

Join Newly Diagnosed T1D Parents every third Thursday night @ 8:30pm for a Virtual Meet Up!  This month hear from some local Diabetes Camps in the area. Chat with Dr. Shara Bialo and T1D Dad Ross Laufgraben, ask questions and meet parents in the Greater Delaware Valley who have the same questions you do!   REGISTER HERE

  • Kidz Krew (ages 5-10) – April 21st

Join a great group of T1D kids for Kidz Krew every third Wednesday @ 6:00pm!

Kidz Krew is a group of grade school aged kids (5-10) living with T1D from the Greater Delaware Valley area. This is an opportunity to connect with other kids for fun, laughter and to support one another. T1D Moms Amy & Jess will engage kids in games and getting to know each other!  REGISTER HERE

  • T1D TEEN (ages 13-18)- May 19th

Join T1D Teens (13-18) for a virtual meet up bimonthly the third Wednesday @ 8:00pm for an informal opportunity to meet & talk openly about the challenges & triumphs of living with T1D.  Chat with T1D teens as well as Kimberly Shoe, APN about anything important to you!   REGISTER HERE

  • T1D Adult Meet Up – (ages 25+) – May 20th Presented by Xeris Pharmaceuticals

Join the T1D Community in the Greater Delaware Valley for a Virtual Meet up bimonthly the third Thursday night @ 6:30pm.  In May, we welcome Teresa Latzo from Xeris Pharmaceuticals to talk about Gvoke as well as the amazing Gary Scheiner to talk about Sports, Exercise & Blood Glucose Control:  The Great Type-1 Balancing Act.  Bring your questions!

Whether you were diagnosed yesterday or twenty years ago, join us and connect with other adults 25 and older living with T1D. Grab an adult beverage or hot tea and join us for casual conversation – share experiences, stories, ask questions while making new friends and building relationships with people who know what you go through on a day to day basis. REGISTER HERE