Why I Ride: Ride Coach Caren Frank shares her Ride Journey
in Fundraising
Ride season is upon us once again! Registration is open and we already have 40 riders on the Greater Delaware Valley team.
If you’ve ever had hesitations to sign up, you’re not the only one. Every year we have incredible riders that participate to support Breakthrough T1D, and we hope that you will too! Below, Ride Coach Caren Frank shares her experience at her first Ride, and what keeps her riding now.
I started riding in 2011 on a dare. I was a board member at the time and was attending a Breakthrough T1D Ride information session. I went to show my support, with no intention of signing up for the ride. However, I was dared to sign-up, so I did! The competitive side of me could not turn down that challenge, even though I didn’t even own a road bike at the time. So, off to the bike shop, I went.
After many training rides, I participated in my first Breakthrough T1D ride in Tucson, Arizona.
I was so focused on just getting through the Ride that I forgot about hydrating and fueling my body. I bonked at mile 66. My teammates were ready to call the SAG team to come pick me up, but I was determined! I got as much liquid and food in my body as I could and off, I went.
I learned a good lesson the hard way: Take the time at the rest stop to fuel and hydrate, it’s what will get you through the ride. The fuel your body needs is different for everyone, and sometimes it’s trial and error, but it’s just as important as knowing how to ride.
I cannot wait until ride weekend. It’s been a long two years. The first time you cross that finish line is indescribable. It’s a sense of pride and accomplishment. We all train hard for that day. But more important is knowing that you have raised money to help find a cure.
So, we all come back year after year to share stories, share the road, and raise money.
Breakthrough T1D Ride is different than other charity rides. We are a family. We support each other no matter what during the ride: We are there for each other. It’s not about the miles, it is about the mission- I don’t get this feeling at any other ride.
This year will be extra special. I didn’t realize how much I would miss Ride weekend until we were not able to get together these past two years. I can’t wait to see my Ride family, share the road, share stories, and take us one Ride closer to cures.
Won’t you join me? You won’t regret it.
Read more about the traditions that make Breakthrough T1D Ride special here and register to join Caren and the rest of the Greater Delaware Valley team here!
Questions? Reach out to Ellen Cohn for more information; ecohn@BreakthroughT1D.org, 445-400-5813