Ride: A Brief History


Breakthrough T1D Ride started more than 20 years ago with a group of passionate volunteers from Ohio (pictured above). They decided to ride Death Valley by moonlight to raise money for Breakthrough T1D. Today, that volunteer-driven fundraiser has turned into thousands of passionate volunteers across the country, riding hundreds of thousands of miles, and raising more than $60 Million to end T1D.

The 2022 Breakthrough T1D Ride Season features Six Destination Rides across the country, as well as a virtual Breakthrough T1D My Ride option for those who can’t commit to a long weekend away, are uncomfortable traveling, or simply don’t want a fundraising minimum.

This year we are thrilled to also offer a local ride, Giro del Vino! We are partnering with TnT Cycle Club, which hosts the event, and all proceeds are coming to our chapter. Read more about it here!

Every year, there is a Breakthrough T1D Ride Jersey that riders earn when they raise $500. This year, the jersey features the Death Valley route map that started it all.

You can also earn other incentives for your fundraising- see the image below for the full map of prizes!


In addition to the annual Breakthrough T1D Ride jersey, there are also honor jerseys presented at Ride weekends. These special jerseys are awarded to people who inspire us and make us proud, both on and off the bike! Read more about the honor jerseys, and the traditions that make Breakthrough T1D Ride special here.