One Walk In Review
in Fundraising
As we start the New Year, we can’t help but look at our 2022 One Walk season! All of our teams truly knocked it out of the park!
Let’s look at our year in review:
3 States
For the first time in two years, walkers returned to in-person walks: Wilmington, DE; Blackwood, NJ; & Philadelphia, PA! And some walkers continued to raise awareness by walking in parks and neighborhoods near them!
12,750 Miles Walked
Altogether, participants walked over TWELVE THOUSAND MILES for a cure!
430 Teams
6,000+ Participants
Families, friends, and colleagues all came together to fight T1D!
$1.39 Million Dollars Raised
We value all of your hard work fundraising in 2022! We’ve raised an INCREDIBLE amount and we have just a bit more to go until we reach out goal of $1.5 Million. Keep up the hard work through early 2023!
Check out this blog post, What we can be proud of in 2022, to see how your commitment has moved our mission forward during 2022.
More pictures from our three event locations can be found here: Wilmington, DE; Blackwood, NJ; and Philadelphia, PA.
While you can continue fundraising for One Walk 2022 into March, the deadline to fundraise for the next prize level is January 18!
Stay tuned for the announcements of our 2023 One Walk dates!