Day 2 – Meet Paula


October 8, 2006, was the day that my parents got the call to bring me to the hospital.  The lab results were in. I had Type 1 Diabetes.  I was just four-years-old and the only other time that I was at the hospital was when I was born. Now, I would have to count carbs, get needles and go to a doctor called a pediatric endocrinologist.

Since then, seven-and-a-half years have gone by. Things have become easier with the use of my insulin pump, Dexcom G4 CGM and the love of my family [but there are still challenges].

One thing that has always been hard to deal with is being the only one in my school with Type 1 Diabetes.  When I walk in the annual Breakthrough T1D Walk and attend many other fun events they hold each year, I realize that I am not alone.  At Breakthrough T1D, I am with a group of people that also beep, bolus and believe there will be a cure someday.

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Paula and others living with T1D by clicking here.