Day 4 – Meet Peyton
My name is Peyton. I was diagnosed with T1D when I was 22 months old. I don’t remember that far back, but my mom and dad tell me that I was very sick and in the hospital for a week and they were scared. I wear an insulin pump 24 hours a day and I give myself insulin with my parents’ guidance whenever I eat carbohydrates or have a high blood sugar. When I have a low blood sugar I drink juice. I test my blood sugar about 10+ times a day/night. I don’t know what it’s like to live withoutT1D because I got it when I was a baby. As I am getting older I feel different than other kids. I have to test my blood sugar every time I eat something and when I am low I have to wait to eat and have juice first to get my blood sugar up. Sometimes when I am very high I cannot eat the foods I want to eat. Kids at school are always asking me how and why I got T1D and it’s very hard to answer. They usually don’t understand and keep asking. The hardest part of having T1D for me is having to watch out that I don’t pull or loosen my pump site and having my pump always attached to my body. My pump is small but can be very annoying. Breakthrough T1D has helped my family and me so much. They have a Walk every year that raises money to help find a cure. I love going to Breakthrough T1D events and being a Youth Ambassador. It feels good to be with other people who have T1D. I do not feel different when I am with them.
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Peyton and others living with T1D by clicking here.