Day 1 – Meet Jack


I was diagnosed when I was 11 years old. It was hard to transition from not having it to having it. Some kids have it from a very young age. It was difficult to make the changes so quickly in my life, like taking shots every day and having to watch what I eat. It changed my life forever.

One of the first challenges I faced after being diagnosed was with playing football. I got low when I was on the field. We were in the middle of the game and I caught the ball and felt so dizzy that I couldn’t run. The coach had to stop the game and bring me off the field. I was very upset that I had to do this because I was already playing football for a lot of years. I usually get to play the entire game and when that happened, it was frustrating and I knew it might be like this for the rest of my life.

My numbers are usually good because I always watch what I eat and take the right amount of insulin. I check my sugar at least 6 times a day, take my shots when I am supposed to and I always stay active. I do parkour, play football, wrestle and exercise at home. I like taking care of my body and watching what I eat and making sure I am healthy.

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Jack LaPolla