Help Us Change Sabrina’s Odds

Hi!  My name is Sabrina Grisanti and I have Type 1 diabetes.  It is not always easy to handle the symptoms of high or low blood sugar.  Sometimes during my basketball games I have to go to the sidelines to check my blood sugar if I am feeling low.  It bothers me that I have to miss time in the game.  I also don’t like it when I am low at my friend’s house because I have to miss whatever is going on at the time to treat my low.  I really do not like it when I have high blood sugar because I can’t eat what everyone else is eating.  It makes me feel left out and sad.  I also don’t like having high blood sugars because I get headaches and stomach aches.  I hope one day there will be a cure for Type 1 so no kids have to deal with all of it.

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Sabrina and others living with T1D by clicking here.

Grisanti, Sabrina