Help Us Change Max’s Odds
in Awareness
My name is Max Klein. I am 17 years old and a junior at Mepham HS in Bellmore. I was diagnosed in August 2014 with Type 1 Diabetes. I was entering 9th grade, was caught by surprise. I had no idea what this was or the way my life would be affected. There are times when it is a huge hassle, like being woken up once or a few times during the night with highs and lows. I wear a dexcom, a continuous glucose monitor, which has an alarm at night. It is very annoying when this goes off ….I then deal with treating the high or low. Sometimes because of this I am late for school and or tired all day.
It is also hard to see my Mom worried and concerned about me 24/7, even though I completely understand how she feels I play varsity soccer, track, and enjoy weight training. When my blood glucose is high or low, this is affected. I may have to wait an hour or more to train or may not be able to play in the game I have gotten used to the Omni pod pump, it makes life easier. This needs to be changed every three days along with the dexom sensor which is once a week. I still have to prick my finger a couple of times a day.
I still play soccer, run and work out.
I try to stay positive, not easy sometimes, especially when your friends are having unlimited pizza and wings. Because of this I have learned a lot on health and fitness.
I can also bring a bag filled with food into anywhere like a movie theater so that a plus Diabetes has definitely changed my life, I am learning everyday how to manage and do everything I love doing!
I hope in life to inspire and help others and know one day there will be a cure!!
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Max and others living with T1D by clicking here.