Help Us Change Joseph’s Odds
in Awareness
If you look up the definition of the word “odds” you would find:
Odds – Noun
1 – the chances or likelihood of something happening or being the case
2 – superiority in strength, power, or resources; advantage:
Strength, power, resources. You need these qualities if you are going to fight this fight against Type 1 Diabetes. My son Joseph was 9 years old when he was diagnosed. He is 14 now. March 21st will be his 5 year anniversary living with this disease. If you ask him, he doesn’t remember life without having to take injections, check his blood sugar multiple times daily or calculate every item that he eats. He has been on this earth longer without diabetes than with it, yet he can’t remember how carefree his life was or what it was like not to have to worry about it. I feel like he lost some of his childhood because he was forced to grow up and deal with this disease. As his Mom, that breaks my heart.
T1D does not only affect the person diagnosed, but it affects the whole family. Everything changes and it will never be the same again. Even a simple trip to the store turns into me asking “Did you bring your kit (to test his sugar)?” Did you grab a juice (God forbid his sugar goes too low and we don’t have anything to bring it back up)? Did you bring your insulin with you (in case we decide to stop and grab a bite to eat)? You T1D families know what I mean. I’m proud to be a part of this T1D club because of how my son handles his diagnosis with such strength, but I would give anything to trade places with him and let him have his childhood back and not be burdened with this disease.
Please support Breakthrough T1D in their efforts to find a cure and until they do, to make life a little easier for everyone suffering with this disease.
Thank you,
Joseph’s Mom
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Joseph and others living with T1D by clicking here.