Help Us Change Joseph’s Odds


I see life as a book that is blank. To write your own story. To say how it goes. But it’s not a fairytale with everything going right. For some people their problems are hills. As simple as missing a new episode of their favorite TV show or being 5 minutes late to a movie. For others they face mountains. Giant hurdles that seem impossible to face.

For me my most recent hurdle was a little in between. But at the time it seemed like a mountain but in the end it is nothing more than a way of life for me now. The thing I am talking about is type one diabetes. I was diagnosed on May 5, 2014, the day before my mom’s birthday. I was in 4th grade and that moment changed my life forever. After several days of acting weird my mom took me to the doctor. They took blood and then they said that it was not normal so they took it again and it said the same thing as the first test. But in the 2 years since I was diagnosed I have realized there are more mountains to be overcome. There are also people with bigger problems to deal with than me even though I know this problem  is big I choose not to let it define me. Because like I said you write your own story and don’t let anyone stop you from doing so.

Also there are so many good things in life so don’t worry about every little thing or you will miss out on the good things. Life is too short to live that way.

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Joseph and others living with T1D by clicking here.

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