Isabel Klingshrin: “You can train for a marathon even with a 3 year old. You can train even with a 3 year old with type one. It’ll just make life a little crazier. But anything less than crazy isn’t fun!”
Team Olivia is composed of 10 friends and family members who came together this weekend in NYC and ran the TCS NYC Marathon for Olivia – a spunky, energetic, and mischievous 3 year old who was diagnosed with T1D on September 19, 2015! Together they ran over 260 miles this weekend and raised over $30K for Breakthrough T1D!
Olivia’s parents, aunt and grandparents insist that the list of members of Team Olivia does not include just those who were running the Marathon – everyone who has donated, helped, spread the word and supported Olivia in any way is part of the team and helped get them through the finish line!
The Runners are: Emily Carter, Jack Mullally, Hope Bain, Brian Bain, Lawrence Carter, Abby Wallisch, M., Christian Wallisch, Michael Klingshirn, Isabel Klingshirn, Leo Moersen
They met in NYC from all over the country: South Carolina, Washington DC, Cleveland, Colorado Springs, New York, North Carolina.
All inspired by Olivia and Breakthrough T1D!
Isabel Klingshrin: “Olivia is (always) at the end of our runs, cheering on… Olivia is our motivation! She does a mini-marathon every day and doesn’t take a break!”
Having spent the better part of the last year fundraising for the NYC Marathon and Team Breakthrough T1D, Isabel and Mike shared some fundraising successes with us – find companies that match donations, approach local restaurants and take advantage of EVERY charity night they can offer, and GET CREATIVE.
For their favorite fundraiser, they make and sell homemade soy candles – it’s fun to do, Olivia can help, and it makes their home smell great.
During #NDAM, Isabel, Mike and the rest of the team are planning to continue their fundraising in any way they can, and spreading awareness wherever they are – sharing Olivia’s story whenever and wherever they can!
Christian Wallisch: “When Olivia was diagnosed, right away Breakthrough T1D came in. It was the bear (Rufus), it was instructions, it was people… This invisible hand reached out to help at a very tough time!”
Breakthrough T1D has been a part of Team Olivia’s story right from the start. The materials they received in the Bag of Hope back when Olivia was first diagnosed are still used and serve as guidance to everyone who ends up being on Olivia’s care team.
Each member of the family is involved with their own local Breakthrough T1D chapter – joining in on events, support groups and anything else they can participate in!