Youth Ambassador Spotlight: Meet Sophie Lang

Sophie on the trip of a lifetime to Costa Rica.

Two summers ago, I went on a three week long trip to Costa Rica with my summer camp. It was a trip I had been looking forward to ever since I began going to camp when I was going into sixth grade. When I first began going to camp I did not have type one diabetes; I was diagnosed in May of my seventh grade year. I knew that Type One would not stop me from going on this trip that I was so excited for. The trip was everything I wanted and more. I was with 15 of my best friends and three amazing counselors whom I trusted and loved very much.

Capturing the amazing sights along the way.

One of my favorite activities we did on the trip was white water rafting. My counselors made sure that I had my testing kit and sugar with me and secured in a waterproof box on the raft. They made me feel so comfortable and not nervous. I participated in every single long, strenuous activity on the trip, (even a hike up a volcano) without any issues. I went into the trip with the mindset that I would not let Type One hold me back from anything, and it didn’t. Going to Costa Rica was one of the best experiences of my life!

Sophie Lang