#MyGreatestSupporter – Best Friends Day 2018
To two of my best friends Skylar and Kayla,
So, today is best friends day…and well, I just wanted to say “thanks”! You both know I have Type 1 Diabetes. I’m sure you can guess that Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) can be hard sometimes. As you see, there is a lot of work that goes into taking care of myself, like checking my blood sugar, counting all of my carbs and changing my CGM and pump sites. Sometimes, I have to take a break from playing for a little while to make sure that my blood sugar is at a good level and sometimes I need to eat in between our bike rides, or wait before I eat so that I can give myself insulin. I know that this may seem weird or odd to some people.
Sometimes, I am worry that people will think I am “different” because of my T1D or stare at my pump and ask annoying questions. But you guys never do! You never treat me like I am different from the other kids because of my T1D. You guys have known me since we were babies and have stuck by my side ever since I was diagnosed. You only “know” me with Type 1 because we were babies when my parents found out. You guys are so used to my T1D that you don’t even think that anything is unusual! Thanks for reminding me to test my blood sugar, or tell me when my pump is beeping (even though I hear it but try to ignore it!) or when I need insulin. I know you guys care a lot about me ’cause we are like brothers and sisters…which is so cool.
I am so happy that you guys are my good friends. We have so much fun hanging out in school and on the bus, especially on the weekends when we are riding bikes and playing in the pool in the summer. I am always happy to see you and hang out with you, because I never have to worry that my T1D will get in the way. I never have to explain what I am doing or why I am testing.
Thank you guys for being the best friends ever! You guys ROCK!