RIV Monthly Update

The Research Information Volunteer (RIV) Program was started about ten years ago as a way to communicate important information about various Breakthrough T1D research initiatives to the local Chapters.

A RIV Volunteer from each Chapter (in the case of the NYC/LI Chapter, two RIV Volunteers) participate on monthly conference calls lead by Aaron Kowalski, CMO and other Breakthrough T1D research staff. On these calls, the RIV Volunteers have the opportunity to hear from Breakthrough T1D top researchers, scientists and leaders of specific areas of concentration. They also hear from top independent scientists that are doing the actual clinical trials and studies from around the world.

The topic of the October RIV call was “Artificial Pancreas” led by Daniel Finan Ph.D, Director of Research at Breakthrough T1D. Check out some key points from his presentation below.

If you ever want further information or have questions, feel free to contact either of our Chapter’s two RIV Volunteers at NYC.LI.RIV.Volunteers@gmail.com.