Off to college with T1D
Heading off to college is a rite of passage that can be exciting and scary, but taking T1D along adds another level of concern for both students and parents. We’ve compiled a list of practical tips from college students and parents who have been down this road.
- Consult with your high school guidance counselor: he or she can be your first resource for learning about your options for accommodations at the colleges you are applying to and what you need to do to get those accommodations.
- Let people know you have T1D: roommates, dorm-mates, resident advisors and professors all should know that you have T1D and how to help you in the event you have hypo or hyperglycemia.
- Rent or bring a mini-fridge and let roommates and dorm-mates know that the juice boxes and low bg snacks are off-limits to them. Bring a three month supply of low bg supplies. They will go quicker than you think! Also, choose the bottom bunk and always wear medical id.
- Talk with your endocrinologist before you go. They can offer advice on carb counting in the dining hall, managing stress and how to stay safe when drinking alcohol.
- Bring plenty of diabetes supplies and keep them organized in a large, clear plastic bin stored under your bed. They will be easy to get to and you’ll be able to find what you need quickly. Bring a 3 month supply of insulin, pump, CGM, and testing supplies. Also, bring back up supplies in case of a pump or meter failure.
- Create a sick-day kit. Include ketone strips, glucagon, script for treating nausea/vomiting, Tylenol or aspirin, cough and cold medicines for T1D, saltines, Gatorade, etc.
- Carry low bg supplies with you, especially on those big, hilly campuses. You can’t count on finding a vending machine in every building.
- Keep some low bg supplies right next to your bed so you can treat a nighttime low without having to disturb your roommate.
- Check in with the Office of Disability Services when you decide where you are going. They will be your best resource for ensuring you have the reasonable accommodations you need for a successful college career.
- Learn about your college’s mental health services. College is stressful and it not unusual for students to experience anxiety and depression when they are on their own for the first time. T1D increases that risk and knowing where to go for help before you need it makes it much easier to get help.
You’ll find great advice, resources and shared experiences on the internet! Here are a few of the websites designed just for college students!
College Diabetes Network – Their mission is singularly focused on providing young adults with T1D the peer connections they value, and expert resources they need, to successfully manage the challenging transition from life at home to independence at college.
Beyond Type 1 – has a myriad of resources for preparing for college, going off to college and then navigating the transition from college to career.
Diabetes Scholars – offers a comprehensive list of scholarships available to students with T1D.
As you head off to college, being prepared will ensure you have a fun and exciting experience. We wish you success and happiness on campus and beyond!