Why I Walk – Team Sugar Shakers


Hi, my name is Ava and I am 12 years old. My experience with T1D began about 3 years ago. My family was traveling throughout Italy for two weeks. During the trip I had many stomach aches, craved bread and pasta all day long, felt thirsty all the time and had to go to the bathroom constantly. None of these things seemed completely out of the ordinary for a summer day in Italy so we didn’t think anything was seriously wrong.   Bathrooms were hard to find, had long lines and cost money so it was frustrating to feel like we were always searching for one.  I can remember having trouble climbing the steps in Positano and my dad had to carry me.  By the end of the trip I had lost quite a bit of weight and was feeling tired all the time.  School started right when we got back to Connecticut.  Relatives and friends had commented about my weight loss.  One of the first days of school I had terrible stomach pains that caused me to feel like throwing up. The nurse sent me home and my mom brought me right to the doctor. I remember the look on my mom’s face like she knew what was going on.  My blood sugar was over 600 that day and they sent me right to the specialist for treatment.   We were all scared at first and it was so hard to get used to my new normal of insulin shots and readings.   I cried a lot and my parents watched over me day and night.

Now 3 years later I am on the Omnipod Dash and feeling pretty good.  I play tennis, field hockey, sing and ski.  I don’t like to wear my pump where people can see it but I don’t mind answering questions about T1D.  My friends are very supportive and cheer me up when I am having a bad T1D day.  There are so many days I am frustrated because my levels are too high or low.  You never get a break from this disease- It’s a daily struggle for me.

Kate and Ava at the 2018 Wilton One Walk

I am grateful to have a friend Kate right in town that also has T1D so we can share our experiences and frustrations.  We met through family friends right after I was diagnosed and then found out we were born on the same day.  We decided to start a team together last year called the Sugar Shakers and invited family and friends to walk with us.  I was so proud the day of the walk.  We designed t-shirts and then we were chosen to cut the ribbon at the start of the walk.  This year we hope to raise a lot more money.  We have some fundraising ideas.   My goal as I get older is to be a role model for kids with T1D.  I am hopeful there will be a cure during my lifetime.

By Ava Cagnassola