Breakthrough T1D One Walk Challenge Week


Our annual Breakthrough T1D One Walk Challenge Week is taking place from Monday, October 19 through Sunday, October 25!

Challenge Week is a great way to build excitement for the Breakthrough T1D One Walk and raise critical funds to support Breakthrough T1D’s vision of a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D).

You must be a registered Breakthrough T1D One Walk participant to win, so get registered at today!


#1. Cut the Virtual Breakthrough T1D One Walk Start Ribbon

The walker who raises the most funds online during Team Week will enjoy the exclusive opportunity to kick off this year’s walk by virtually cutting the start line ribbon. You’ll be featured on our chapter Facebook as we kick off One Walk – pretty exciting!

#2. Walk Day Breakfast Delivery

For every $100 your team raises online, the Team Captain will receive an entry to win a special breakfast delivery to their home to share with their team on November 1 – National Walk Day.

#3. Challenge Week Trophy

As you know, 2020 is an important year for Breakthrough T1D, as we’re commemorating 50 years of incredible progress! Any team that raises $2,020 this week will receive an exclusive trophy to celebrate their rockstar fundraising and commitment to a world without T1D!


We are cheering you on with virtual high-fives and cow bells! Good luck!