You know the “don’t wear anything new on race day” and all the basics… now, let’s do the New York City Marathon as right as we can. I’ve done this race every year since 2008 (minus 2012 of course…!!) and I can see how logistically heavy it is for someone from out of town or doing it as their first marathon. So, here we go! Let me know if you have any specific questions in the comments section below. I promise I will answer. Below, don’t email me. Also, at the end, you’ll find a list of free race week events to attend (will be updated for 2017 promptly).
Marathon Coaches Note #10- NYC Marathon Tips
in Fundraising
You’ll spend months training, completing all your long runs, figuring out whether you are a gel pack or energy bar person, discovering the magical properties of chocolate milk, losing at least a few toenails, and hopefully getting sufficiently prepared to ward off nipple burn. Before you know it, race day will arrive and you’ll be running through the streets of New York with nearly 50,000 other inspired—and often weirdly dressed—people, with the entire city cheering you on. But there’s some stuff you need to know before you take your first stride. Even though there are countless sites devoted to providing advice on how to pace yourself, what to expect at each mile, and what to watch out for, there’s also the stuff no one tells you. Here’s the stuff I wish I’d known when I ran the marathon for the first time last year. Read the rest here –
In New York City, it can sometimes help to know a guy. When running the NYC Marathon, it will always help to know Meb Keflezighi. Because Meb knows how to run New York. A four-time U.S. Olympian, Keflezighi has struggled and succeeded on the 26.2 miles between Staten Island and Central Park. In 2002, he made his first marathon start in New York, famously insisting he was done with that distance after a grueling day on the roads of the Big Apple. In 2009, he became the first American man to win the NYC Marathon in 27 years.
“You’re a winner if you’re doing the New York City Marathon because that’s the capital of the world,” Keflezighi told SB Nation ahead of his career-concluding appearance in 2017. “That’s the best marathon in the world, I believe.”
Read the rest here:
Athlete User Guide –
Term of the week – Intensity Factor (IF): The normalized power for a ride with respect to the Functional Threshold (=NP/FT), and therefore a effort at 100% of FT would result in an IF of 1.0. If one’s IF for an effort over 1hr is above 1.05, then their FT may have increased since last tested.
Thurs 6:45pm GROUP RUN (same meeting spot – Engineer’s Gate at 90th and 5th ave on the dirt bridal path under the BIG TREE).Two options this week – up and overs or west side rollers
- MARATHON QUIK TIP #10 – Practice your eating and drinking on your long runs
Practice during your remaining long and semi-long runs with the sports drink and energy gels you intend to refuel with during the race,” advises Suzanne Girard Eberle, M.S., R.D., a former elite runner and author of Endurance Sports Nutrition.“Serious-minded racers and those with finicky stomachs should be using the sports drink that will be available on the race course. And remember that sports drinks do triple duty when compared with water by providing fluid, carbohydrates, and electrolytes, the most important being sodium.” Find out how often your marathon will have aid stations, and practice drinking at that rate. If you don’t run with fluids, place bottles along your training route.