Goldman Family Interview

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I had the opportunity to interview and listen to Georgi Goldman and her mother, Randi, tell their Breakthrough T1D stories. From original New York Chapter community members to current riders, and advocates, the Goldman family has a deep and incredible journey with Breakthrough T1D, and I was lucky enough to hear it all! Please read through to hear what an amazing impact the Goldman family has had on Breakthrough T1D over their years of connection with our organization.

After being diagnosed in 1990, Georgi found her original type 1 diabetes (T1D) community at a diabetes camp, which eventually led to her affiliating with Breakthrough T1D. During that time, she felt like the idea of T1D didn’t even exist in the general public. The diabetes camp she attended gave her understanding from others that wasn’t readily available in the 1990’s, and soon she would bring that understanding to Breakthrough T1D to help others. Georgi got started with Breakthrough T1D through Spin for A Cure, and then shortly thereafter the Goldman family helped create a young adult support group for those diagnosed with T1D in conjunction with Breakthrough T1D. In that same period, Randi started volunteering for Breakthrough T1D in a multitude of ways. Half of the Volunteer Couple, Randi Goldman has now volunteered at Promise Ball, Spin for a Cure, Little North Pole, One Walk, and tons of Rides across the country! Randi could be found at any of these events making sure things run smoothly, educating others, being a welcoming presence, and helping to cure T1D in her very own way.

Georgi then got involved in Breakthrough T1D’s Ride program and has now ridden 10 times total! For Georgi, riding is like fighting T1D in her own way. She is always amazed by how generous people are in donating to help find a cure for T1D, but that is not where it stops. Pushing your body to the limit to ride hundreds of miles, in training and at the event, is hard for anyone. However, she described how when your body is betraying you, and you still find a way to ride that far, it is incredibly empowering. She is beating the odds and helping to raise money for a cure while doing it. Georgi is not the only one in her family to ride for a cure either. Her stepfather Jerry has also ridden for Breakthrough T1D and is the other half of the Volunteer Couple with Randi. Jerry has finished and fundraised for multiple rides in his 70’s and does it all for his hero, Georgi.

Together, Randi and Jerry, have volunteered at dozens of events, and in 2019 they were recognized for their incredible work at the Sonoma Ride, becoming first dual winners of the Volunteer of the Year award. Cementing them as the Volunteer Couple.

Georgi has not only worked within Breakthrough T1D to increase awareness and raise funds, but she also takes time in her professional life to raise T1D awareness in the mainstream. She Co-Produced a documentary called the Human Trial, a highly credited film that follows a T1D Clinical trial over the 12 years it took place. A massive undertaking that raised awareness for the life of someone going through a clinical trial, and the everyday of living with T1D.

Closer to the end of the conversation, Georgi and Randi commented on the community from the Ride program. The power the community has collectively, and the devotion in the room. They say it is like walking into a room of old high school or camp friends. It’s a common understanding. You don’t have to explain why you are there, or what you are fighting for. Everyone is there to ride for a cure, and everyone is ecstatic to do it. For Georgi, her fight is for the future of her family. So that her son and no one else’s family has to live with T1d in their lifetime. She rides for the community, and for a cure.

We are so lucky to have such incredible volunteers and riders, such as the Goldmans, as a part of the Breakthrough T1D community. The Goldman’s are truly a wonderful family, who is beyond dedicated to finding a cure for T1D. I had such a wonderful time talking to them, couldn’t be happier to be working with them to further Breakthrough T1D’s mission!