Find community and raise money for T1D research. Breakthrough T1D events are unforgettable experiences.
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Whether you donate your time or dollars, life-changing breakthroughs in T1D treatments and therapies couldn’t happen without you.
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Find community and raise money for T1D research. Breakthrough T1D events are unforgettable experiences.
Our community in pictures. Taken from a few recent events.

Aunt Patricia and Mason – A Legacy Gift
When Mason Lewton was 3 ½ years old his mother, Amanda, noticed something strange. When Mason would sleep in their bedroom…
Update on Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout for the T1D Community
The below information is current as of 3/19 Please visit for more information on the impact of covid-19 on those with...
2021 Youth Ambassador Program- Application Open!
The Breakthrough T1D Indiana and Kentucky Chapter is excited to announce the 2021 Youth Ambassador Program! This program provides opportunities for Indiana...
Virtual TypeOneNation Summit Resources
Below you’ll find a list of resources from our speakers and sponsors of the event. Contact: Jessica Finnegan – Contact:...
Behind the Team: Taylor’s Tribe
This summer, we are highlighting some of our amazing Walk Teams. This is a Q&A with Tiffany Smith, mom to Taylor. Team...
Whether you donate your time or dollars, life-changing breakthroughs in T1D treatments and therapies couldn’t happen without you.
Laura Baltz
Executive Director
Jenny Raque
Senior Development Manager, Kentucky
Debra Smith
Senior Development Director, Indiana
Merrill Harper
Senior Development Manager, Signature Events, Indiana
Megan Ahlgrim
Development Manager, Community Engagement, Indiana
Jessie Stover
Development Manager, Indiana
Breanna Kiser
Development Assistant
Thank You to Our Partners
Our corporate partners take raising funds and awareness for T1D research to new heights.