Message from the Executive Director – It is Important to Celebrate – You Deserve It.
Currently, each day seems to have a special meaning and each activity a designated day. In addition to April Fool’s Day, April is home to National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (April 2) and October is not only a scary month, it also is the month of National Name Your Car Day (Oct 2). It is both fun and important to set aside time to recognize certain milestones or activities or even causes in our lives. Celebrating as a community builds a sense of belonging, something crucial to fulfillment as people.
We too have a reason to celebrate, recognize progress and designate a time for focus. Since 1970, Breakthrough T1D has been led by spectacular volunteers who are united in the quest for a finish line, to a race without a designated distance. And yet, these volunteers…all of you…run hard every day. Those among us thriving with T1D, and their families and friends continue the journey with faith and hope and courage. We cherish this journey for its importance and what it teaches us, and we eagerly seek its inevitable and much anticipated end.
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Breakthrough T1D and our partners have rallied to make an extra effort to bring even more awareness to type one diabetes and the great work that has taken place by all of you for nearly 50 years. T1D Looks Like Me is a simple, powerful, interactive way to highlight how type 1 diabetes affects millions of people all around the world – including 1.25 million in the U.S. Take some time to check it out and raise your awareness. Share with others. Then acknowledge the progress, your progress, on this disease.
Honoring a moment in time is both healthy and a great way to strengthen our resolve for the rest of the voyage. So enjoy the thousands of silly and fun days that are available. Some may make you smile – National Star Wars Day (May 4) and others may make you hungry – National Cheeseburger Day (Sept 18). Then, also take time to learn and to teach during November and National Diabetes Awareness Month. The moment is justified.
Remember, the journey is long, but we are together. This deserves its own month. This deserves to be acknowledged. So celebrate. You deserve it.
Yours in service,