Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress 2019


Every 2 years, children living with type 1 diabetes from all across the United States gather in Washington, D.C. to meet in person with some of the congressmen and women representing them. Children from ages 4 to 17 meet with their representatives to share their story of life with T1D and help Members of Congress understand why funding T1D research is so important. We are so proud to have 3 representatives from our chapter traveling to Washington, D.C. from July 8-10, 2019 to represent Greater Missouri and Southern Illinois.



Isaac enjoys reading, soccer and basketball, but especially loves music! Rock stars need their hands to play their instruments. As Isaac puts it, “I would rather have calluses from playing too much AC/DC than from sticking my finger with this little gadget that makes it bleed a drop onto a little strip to say what my current blood sugar count is.” Following his diagnosis with T1D at age six, Isaac has been incredibly resilient and persevered through the challenges of T1D. He sees the benefits that his insulin pump and CGM provide—from better test scores in school to a huge improvement in his A1c—which is why Isaac is excited to meet with his Members of Congress this summer in Washington, D.C.



Everyone who has met Jaden knows she is a an incredibly positive, outgoing and fun girl. In addition to being a competitive cheerleader, she is proud to be part of a group at her school that spreads kindness and makes all students feel welcome. Jaden really enjoys helping others and making them feel good, in addition to making them laugh. She also is committed to improving the lives of people with T1D through fundraising and advocacy. Jaden is very excited to attend Children’s Congress because she knows how important funding for T1D research is. As Jaden puts it, “the Special Diabetes Program and funding of other diabetes health related research has a big impact on our lives today and forever.”



Morgan is a lively 10-year-old who enjoys dancing, playing tennis and hanging out with her friends. She was also selected by one of her teachers to participate in Character Council at school. Morgan has been active with Breakthrough T1D One Walk, proudly meeting her personal fundraising goal of $2,500, in addition to serving as a Breakthrough T1D Youth Ambassador at Gala. Morgan’s ultimate goal is to become a nurse, so that she can help others like her who live with T1D, and she looks forward to bringing her passion for T1D awareness to Washington, D.C.


You can learn more about Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress at You can also stay up to date on all of the exciting things happening leading up to Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress and follow along next week by searching #JDRFCC19 on social media.