2023 Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress Recap

Wow, what an incredible 2023 Children’s Congress! Last week, 163 Delegates headed to Washington, D.C. for three days of education, fellowship building, and celebration. These budding advocates shared with Members of Congress and their staff their stories of how type 1 diabetes (T1D) affects their lives and the lives of others living with T1D.
We couldn’t be more proud of our amazing Kansas & Missouri Chapter Children’s Congress delegates. Way to go Blythe, Eve, Izzy, Kate & Madi! Our Delegates advocated to their Members of Congress on Capitol Hill for the swift renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) at $170 million annually to ensure critical T1D research continues. Our delegates also spoke to the importance of legislation to address the insulin affordability crisis.
“Children’s Congress is such a heart warming event. It is wonderful to see young T1D’s interacting with one another and watching them tell their stories on a very impactful platform,” said Judy Krtek. Judy serves on the Breakthrough T1D Grassroots Leadership Team (GLT) for the Kansas & Missouri chapter and has been involved with Children’s Congress since 2005. “Delegates understand how the Members of Congress can help by supporting legislation to procure funding for further research and how research in the past has improved their lives. It is so inspiring to watch their confidence blossom as they gain life long friendships in those few short days. This is truly my favorite event!”
When asked what their favorite part of Children’s Congress was, our delegates responded:
- “We learned so much how the government regulates funding and how important lobbying for your cause is. We are confident that one day Eve will see the cure! Thank you, Breakthrough T1D, for the experience and we look forward to advocating forever for a diabetes free world!” – Eve’s Mom, Andréa
- “I loved getting to meet new friends from around the world that also have T1D!” – Kate
- “Blythe attended a live Senate Hearing where she listened to Congressional Members speak their thoughts on the SDP and INSULIN Act and also ask questions of those who testified. The entire floor was filled with kids with type 1 diabetes all in their blue shirts and devices!”- Blythe’s Mom, Missy
- “As one of the oldest delegates, Izzy was so impressed by so many of the younger delegates. It renewed an excitement in her to continue to advocate and celebrate the special things about living with T1D with younger (especially newly diagnosed) kiddos.” – Izzy’s Mom, Kim
- “Thank you so much to Breakthrough T1D for this once in a lifetime opportunity to speak to our nations lawmakers about type one diabetes and make some change for us.” – Madison