Focus Group Seeking Participants: Adolescents with T1D and Parents of T1D Children


Scientist at work in the lab

Michigan State University and Sparrow Hospital are conducting two different focus groups for the study “Understanding the Transition from Parent Management to Self-Management Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes.” The sessions will be held at Michigan State University campus to help researchers better understand the transitioning process for adolescents with type 1 diabetes from both the adolescent and the parent perspective.

One focus group will concentrate on the parents of a child with type 1 diabetes and the other on adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

To participate in the parent focus group, applicants must have a child with type 1 diabetes who is currently between the ages of 11-21.

For an adolescent to be part of the adolescent focus group, he or she needs to be between the ages of 13-16 and have type 1 diabetes.

During the focus groups, the parent and child will be questioned about the transitioning process (from parent management to self management of type 1 diabetes) and the communication between parent and child and between parent/child and the child’s healthcare provider. Participants will then be presented with an idea for a mobile phone app and be asked for feedback regarding the app idea.

Parent and child participants will receive a $20 gift card to

If interested, please click here to provide your availability.

For questions regarding this study, please contact:

Dr. Bree Holtz, Adjunct Research Professor
Department of Media and Information
College of Communication Arts and Sciences
Affiliated with the Health and Risk Communication Center (HRCC)
Michigan State University
404 Wilson, Room 409
East Lansing, MI 48824

Mobile: 517-303-0159