Join Us in East Lansing for Breakthrough T1D One Walk on August 1


Each year, Breakthrough T1D One Walk™ brings together thousands of people to change the futures of everyone living with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Many have T1D themselves, and many more are friends, family or coworkers of someone challenged by this disease. No matter what their connection, they fundraise and walk because they believe in a world where T1D no longer exists.

Please join Breakthrough T1D and participate in the Breakthrough T1D One Walk on Saturday, August 1, 2015 on the campus of Michigan State University.

Walk Details:

Michigan State University Auditorium – The Rock
542 Auditorium Road
East Lansing, MI 48824

Check-in: 8:30 AM     Walk Starts: 9:30 AM

Length of walk: 1 or 3 Miles
Dogs are Welcome

We’re taking steps to help Breakthrough T1D progressively remove the impact of type 1 diabetes (T1D) from people’s lives until no one has to fear developing this disease. By joining us on walk day and raising money or making a donation to Breakthrough T1D, you’ll raise money to help fund critical T1D research and create a world without T1D.

Breakthrough T1D is the only global organization with a strategic research plan to fight T1D. Every dollar Breakthrough T1D is able to direct toward research comes from walkers and donors like you.

The challenge we’ve set – to walk and raise money for Breakthrough T1D. This is modest compared to the daily challenges of life with T1D, which involves a 24/7, unrelenting cycle of blood sugar testing and insulin injections to manage the disease.

Will you accept the challenge to make a difference by forming a walk team or making a donation today? Together, we can change the future for everyone affected by T1D.

Register or donate here: Breakthrough T1D ONE WALK – East Lansing – 8/1/15

If you have any questions or need help registering, please contact:

Stephanie Farmer
Email | (248) 936-1292