T1D Looks Like Me


T1D Looks Like Me

Every year a global campaign takes place to raise awareness for diabetes. The entire month of November is celebrated as National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) in the United States, Canada and other countries, Nov. 14 is World Diabetes Day, and Nov. 1 is T1Day. By sharing information about type 1 diabetes (T1D), debunking myths and encouraging your friends to do the same—you are helping to raise awareness and unite the T1D community.

Breakthrough T1D is launching the nationwide T1D Looks Like Me campaign to showcase the faces and stories of people who feel the real impact of T1D day in and day out. T1D is a complicated, tiring, and unpredictable disease that too many of us know too well. T1D Looks Like Me shows and shares the many ages, stages and triumphs of the T1D community. T1D looks like the 1.25 million Americans living with this disease and the 5 million who are expected to have it by 2050 if we don’t do something now. Our shared vision of creating a world without T1D is what binds all of us together.

How You Can Help:

  • Change your profile picture! Use the social profile photo generator at jdrf.org/T1DLooksLikeMe on or after Nov. 1 to create a T1D Looks Like Me photo of your own and share it with your friends.
  • Purchase your Breakthrough T1D & T1D Looks Like Me Merchandise at the Breakthrough T1D store.
  • Share T1D Looks Like Me videos to help spread awareness of T1D and its affects.
  • Start a personal fundraising campaign or schedule a community event on Team Breakthrough T1D.
  • Follow Breakthrough T1D Metro Detroit/Southeast Michigan Chapter on Facebook and Twitter to see updates and to watch inspiring NDAM videos that you can share with your family and friends!

Check out www.breakthrought1d.org/T1DLooksLikeMe for other ways to get involved!